atmosphere image on the left side
Organise your own event


Organizing an event with friends, colleagues, or your association? We can help you with advice, tips, and promotional materials.

Get organized

Think Pink is an NPO and supports the battle against breast cancer by organizing numerous actions throughout the year. To make all this possible fund-raising is very welcome! Have you ever thought about organizing an event with your friends, club or colleagues for the sake of Think Pink? We will help to sell your promotional material or gadgets.

How to raise funds

  • Organize a (themed) party (check with your local authority, employer, sports club, … if you can use their accommodations for free) and sell tickets.
  • Organize a barbecue or dinner (spaghetti meal for example).
  • Organize a quiz and ask for a few euros subscription/entrance. Ask companies, local dealers for prizes or provide something yourself.
  • Make a collect-box (with photo’s, stickers, …) and place it in the canteen or at the reception at work, in local stores, …
  • Go round with a collecting bin and collect little coins for example.
  • Be sponsored per kilometre when participating at a sports event.
  • Sell homemade cake at the market, a local rummage sale, at colleagues and neighbours, …
  • Organize a show with musician friends or local musicians.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information at Your contribution can be deposited at IBAN BE57 0015 7587 5235 -  BIC GEBABEBB.
