
Discover the new Beautiful Lengths website

We are so happy that our Beautiful Lengths hairdressers can finally open again. We wish them a great reopening after this exceptionally difficult time. We know how hard it has been for them and, along with them, hoped that they could get back to what they love doing so much soon. As true magicians, they will undoubtedly make many people happy with a beautiful new haircut in the weeks and months that lie ahead.

This festive moment seemed like the perfect opportunity to announce the launch of our new websites www.geefomhaar.be (NL) and www.coupedeclat.be (FR). On these websites, we put our Beautiful Lengths ambassadors, in the spotlight. 

Discover the new Beautiful Lengths website in Dutch

Only available in Dutch and in French at the moment.

Discover the new Beautiful Lengths website in French

Only available in Dutch and in French at the moment.