Support Think Pink and the fight against breast cancer
You can support Think Pink and the fight against breast cancer by making a donation. Thank you in advance!
Make a donation
Think Pink is a NPO and supports the battle against breast cancer by organizing numerous activities throughout the year. To make this possible, financial aid is necessary.
Our details
IBAN BE57 0015 7587 5235
You can make a single or monthly donation using our secure Donate application. You can cancel your monthly donations at any time.
You can also make a monthly donation by means of a standing order. Download the form, fill it in and contact your bank to make the arrangements. You can cancel your standing order at any time.
Your questions about tax certificates
Who gets a tax certificate?
The tax certificate is being sent by Think Pink to the street address of the person who made the donation? It is in other words important that the person who wants to make a gift, does it through his own bank account.
How much does the tax deduction amounts to for the donor?
The tax deduction amounts to 45% of the real deposited and on the certificate mentioned amount.
The total amount of the gifts for which a tax deduction is granted, can never exceed:
- 10% of the net income, or
- 376.350 euro (tax year 2014, income 2013)
How does the organization gets my address?
In case of a deposit, the bank informs us of your address. In case of a gift, you need to provide us with the necessary information.
What is the minimum amount for which I can receive a tax certificate?
If you donate, over a whole year, an amount of 40 euro to Think Pink, you are entitled to a tax certificate per calendar year. With a tax certificate you can deduct the amount of your donation from your total taxable net income.
What do I need to do with the received tax certificate?
The received original tax certificate needs to be attached to your tax return. You can keep a copy, as the tax service only accepts originals. If you use Tax on Web, conserving the certificate is sufficient.
When do I receive my certificate?
The certificate is always sent in the year AFTER the gift/donation, during the period just before you receive your tax return. At that time, the information about your expenses of that year are requested. If you use Tax on Web, your gift will already be mentioned in the proposition of tax return.
For which gifts won’t I receive a tax certificate?
The deductibility of gifts is based on the national good and consequently only applies for actual gifts, that means donations/gifts that were ceded without counter value. Consequently excluded: subscriptions on magazines, membership fees, tuition fees, examination fees and other expenses, concert tickets, spaghetti meals, candy bags, waffles, pancakes etc.
If the transferred amounts are partly or completely compensating the delivery of goods or services rendered, no certificate may be issued, neither for the total, nor for a part of the deposited amounts. To be considered as a deductible gift, the amount has to be transferred completely without counter value and the donor cannot be provided with any advantage (except things with very low value, such as a sticker, a neutral information pamphlet etc.).
Gifts passed on to another organization
An organization empowered to issue tax certificates following submentioned directives is not allowed to act as a middleman for another organization. She is not allowed to issue tax certificates regarding amounts that are in fact destined to another organization.
No tax certificates may be issued for deposits that constitute the profit of a collective fund-raising and therefore not really originate from an individual donor.
Do you have any questions?
More questions about tax certificates, make a gift as a company, a big gift, a registered fund or the making of your will? Don’t hesitate to contact us at or +32(0)474 95 07 16.